In order to ensure that you can be added to the schedule, please contact us as far in advance as you can manage. When it comes to graphic design and cover work it can take from hours to weeks to find a design you're happy with. To make sure we have the time to get in the concepts and revisions, book as far in advance as possible. For rush work, please see the section on rush jobs.
To inquire about the schedule, please email us ljdesigns4authors@gmail.com and we will respond within 2 business days.
Dependant on the schedule and technicality of the design, rush covers can be done with an additional fee, which is subject to inclusive hourly fees to be determined by circumstance and agreed upon in advance.
The agreement of terms and an initial consultation with the designer will take place via email – unless otherwise specified. This will include an introductory package explaining the full design process, which will be catered to you and your specific needs.
All credits, whether cover design or formatting, should list Lou J. Stock of LJDesigns.
LJDesigns can work with custom images as long as the images provided have model releases, permission and is licensed for commercial use. All images provided must be at least 300 dpi.
Once work has begun on the files, you have entered into a contract with LJDesigns, which must be canceled via email. If you need to put the design on hold, please let us know to avoid more hours being spent on the job, which could lead to you being charged hourly.
*Please note you will be responsible for the time committed to this project at the time of cancellation and failure to immediately inform the designer of cancellation or suspension can result in additional fees being assessed or the fully agreed upon amount being due.
Three conceptual designs will be covered by the package purchased, time of design cannot exceed more than six hours. Anything beyond this initial process will be billed $30/hour, with a minimum of one hour. Once a design is found there will be a maximum of three revisions (unless a package is purchased) before it becomes billable hours. Once you receive the initial design we advise that you look over the file carefully. Take your time, sleep on it and note all changes. Each revision is considered a session and will be noted as such in your file.
Please ensure that you have all the correct licenses and releases before providing your image. LJDesigns reserves the right to ask for model releases before the design and should any conflict arise.
Fees for packages include all the final files. The working files – the raw files, design files, and design rights – will not be included unless specifically agreed-upon terms and fees are discussed in advance. The final files will either be emailed, deposited in a specified Dropbox or a previously agreed upon form of delivery.
Once you have received your final files, the invoice will be due within ten days of issuance. A reminder will be sent for your convenience.
If canceled after the work has begun, ten percent of the cost will be required for billable hours already worked.
Pricing includes up to 5 hours of formatting time and two revisions. Anything beyond the five hours on formatting time or over the two revision periods of thirty minutes per revision is subject to a change order and will change to billable hours of $30/hour. We advise taking your time to look through the files thoroughly when you receive them. Copy edits can be made in files by the designer but will be considered a revision session. Total reformatting due to large edits or extraneous changes that lead to total layout changes or time run over the allotted times will also result in extra cost.
Please understand you are not permitted to use any unpaid work that has been carried out for you by LJDesigns. You are also not permitted to replicate, reproduce or alter work executed by LJDesigns without express permission from LJDesigns. Violating these terms will be viewed as theft of intellectual rights and property. This includes all elements of the work done, including but not limited to, title design, artwork, vector art, and logos. Purchasing your designs does not include permanent rights to the design and/or elements you're using. It is prohibited for other designers to use, reproduce or replicate any designs by Lou J. Stock or LJDesigns without express permission from LJDesigns beforehand and could result in said designer being faced with the same theft of intellectual rights and property. Should there be a breach of these conditions LJDesigns reserves the right to terminate the contract and in extreme cases seek legal advice.